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Welcome to ASMI College

Discover our Top Educations Benefits


ASMI COLLEGE is committed in providing and ensuring a safe and healthy working and learning environment for all the staff, students, and visitors to the college.

Sneak peek to our College

Fully equipped facilities.

Are you looking for a college, that has got everything covered for you then look no further we believe in we practice what we teach. 

Our philosophy is to educate & train our students in continuous contact with the real world (industry
and the global community). We do this through fieldtrips and industry visits or inviting related
personnel to address our students on campus.

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Our Nationally Accredited Vocational Courses

Gain the knowledge needed to succeed in business.

ASMI believes in building a comprehensive skills needed to lead the future.

Providing students with a real-life views on management.

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    College News

    Is a Diploma of Business Worth it?

    What's Better: a Diploma or a Degree in Business Management? The short answer is: it depends on what…

    Graduate Diploma of Management Learning Benefits

    The Graduate Diploma in Management gives you a solid grounding and an overview of a broad range of…

    Fun FACTS ABOUT ASMI College
    67 %

    students graduating every semester

    67 +

    students have completed courses

    1: 67
    Student-Teacher Ratio

    state-of-the-art classrooms and labs


    students average scoring grades


    Explore the students experience

    “ASMI College has been helpful throughout our study period. Trainers are awesome and know what they are teaching and how to help us achieve our best results.”
    Diane Rosenberg
    “I joined ASMI when one of my friends recommended it to me. After completing my diploma course and can definitely tell you ASMI is worth the reputation it holds”
    testim circle
    Taryn Grogan
    “I can totally recommend this college to any future students thinking to do diploma courses. As my experience with ASMI has been amazingly awesome and staff and trainers are helpful.”
    011 teacher
    Mark Tyler

    Admissions now open for 2021

    Get in touch with us to discuss it: