1) CAN UNITED PTY LTD T/AS ASMI COLLEGE & HOWARD COLLEGE reserves the right to cancel a student enrolment prior to the date of course commencement and all fees will be refunded.
2) Any refunds (according to policies & procedures) can be made to the student or the students’ nominated person/s.
3) The enrolment fee and material fees (non-tuition fees) are non-refundable in any circumstance and is paid for course enrolment regardless of packaging of Coe’s.
4) Requests for refunds must be made in writing, addressed to Accounts (admin@asmicollege.edu.au) and submitted with relevant documentary evidence (e.g. visa refusal letter). All refunds will be made by cheque or electronic fund transfer to the nominated bank account of the person who paid them, within 28 days, (after default day or day of refund request receipt).
5) If the Visa application is withdrawn, there is no refund from CAN UNITED PTY LTD T/AS ASMI COLLEGE & HOWARD COLLEGE.
6) Where an applicant cancels their enrolment giving more than 28 days notice prior to course commencement, all pre-paid course fees are fully refunded; less the deposit/s (equivalent to the first term’s fees for the Coe’s written) within 14 days of receipt of notification of cancellation of the course. Cancellation must be made in writing. (Unless in cases of Visa refusal see 9).
7) Where an applicant cancels his or her course giving less than 28 days notice prior to their course commencement, no refunds will be given, including if the student is joining a course that has already commenced. (Unless in cases of Visa refusal see 9).
8) Where an applicant cancels their course after course commencement all pre-paid course fees are non-refundable (unless in cases of Visa refusal see 9).
9) A refund of tuition fees paid by an international student will be made if the student visa application is refused before course commencement. The application for refund must be made no later than four weeks after the visa refusal. Please note: visa refusal document must indicate that the CAN UNITED PTY LTD T/AS ASMI COLLEGE & HOWARD COLLEGE Coe’s were used for the application alone or in a package. A refund would be supplied as per subsection 47E(2) of the Act, the amount of a refund is the amount of the course fees, minus the lesser of either: (a) 5% of the amount of course fees received by the provider in respect of the student before the default day; or (b) $500.
10) In the case of visa refusal during course, a refund of the unspent portion of the tuition fees will be given as per subsection 47E(2) of the Act. Non tuition fees will not be refunded.
11) In the event that a student abandons their course without formally cancelling their enrolment with the College, no refund will be issued, which includes all monies paid or scheduled to the paid to CAN UNITED PTY LTD T/AS ASMI COLLEGE & HOWARD COLLEGE, including monies paid for OSHC. The balance of fees owing will be invoiced to the student. Course abandonment is classified as absence without permission. Abandoning a course may lead to the College reporting the student to DET through PRISMS.
12) This written agreement, and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and action under various processes, does not affect the rights of the student to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.
Current fees may increase by a maximum of 3% over the enrolment period for each course. Funds are not transferable.
Please keep a copy of this Fees refund policy for your records and own reference.
13) This policy may be updated without notice. Always refer to our website www.asmicollege.com.au for the most up to date version.